Home Python Examples Python Program for Check if all digits of a number divide it

Python Program for Check if all digits of a number divide it

by anupmaurya
1 minutes read

In this program, you’ll learn to how to check for given a number n, find whether all digits of n divide it or not.

Suppose you have given a number 128, then we divide the number by digits at different places like one’s place, ten’s place, hundred’s place. i.e.

Input : 128 
Output : Yes 128 % 1 == 0, 
128 % 2 == 0, and 128 % 8 == 0. 

Input : 130 Output : No 

We want to test whether each digit is non-zero and divides the number. For example, with 128, we want to test d != 0 && 128 % d == 0 for d = 1, 2, 8. To do that, we need to iterate over each digit of the number. 

Python Source Code to Check if all digits of a number divide it

# Python 3 program to
# check the number is
# divisible by all
# digits are not.

# Function to check
# the divisibility
# of the number by
# its digit.
def checkDivisibility(n, digit) :
	# If the digit divides the
	# number then return true
	# else return false.
	return (digit != 0 and n % digit == 0)
# Function to check if
# all digits of n divide
# it or not
def allDigitsDivide( n) :
	temp = n
	while (temp > 0) :
		# Taking the digit of
		# the number into digit
		# var.
		digit = temp % 10
		if ((checkDivisibility(n, digit)) == False) :
			return False

		temp = temp // 10
	return True

# Driver function
n = 128

if (allDigitsDivide(n)) :
else :
	print("No" )



Hope this was useful to you , check out other example, Keep Learning!

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