Home Design What is Graphic Design, Elements, Principles and Purpose

What is Graphic Design, Elements, Principles and Purpose

by anupmaurya
11 minutes read

Graphic design is everywhere. From the logos that emblazon our favorite brands to the websites we navigate daily, it’s the silent language shaping our visual world. But what exactly is graphic design, and what makes it tick?

What is graphic design

Graphic design also called visual communication design means – among other issues – the art of layout and creating visual elements as in typography, images, colors, and shapes in order to effectively communicate pieces of information and express concepts. Developing the design of a magazine, coming up with a poster for a theater play, and packaging the item in an attractive manner are all sub-categories of the graphic design world.

As a matter of fact, practically every single one of us in the contemporary society is involved in one form of graphic design or another — as simple as it may be — by adding text to an image before posting it online or color-checking a spreadsheet we use at work. More or less, everything we do that involves the creation of pictures and designs is graphic design.

What is the main purpose of graphic design

Graphic design is all about using visuals to communicate effectively. It can take complex information, like a spreadsheet full of numbers, and turn it into a clear and easy-to-understand chart with colors that instantly show what’s doing well and what’s not. Or, it can design packaging that makes food look so irresistible you can practically smell the deliciousness. But graphic design isn’t limited to just products and data. It’s used on websites to create a user-friendly experience that guides visitors towards taking a desired action, like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. And it’s used in marketing materials to create a strong brand identity that evokes emotions and resonates with the target audience.

What does a graphic designer do

As visual communicators of ideas and information, as conveyors of a message, graphic designers-with their own artistic acquirement and technical mastery-take upon themselves a wide ranging activity and responsibility depending on the role, position, or nature of jobs they undertake.

The duties range from brand and visual identity design to marketing design and advertising, web design, illustration, type design, infographic design, textile and surface design, packaging design, editorial or publication design, motion graphic design, user interface design. All these aspects call upon visual communication and team collaboration by graphic designers.

Visual communications is the graphic design foundation and is the very first step for each project you’ll take on. Beginning this step the graphic designer, along with their client, department, or team work together to understand the project and its background audience goals other items provided by the client and/or brief Now follows the deal of ideas or concepts visual.

Elements of graphic design

Elements of art are the basic units of any visual design that form the design’s structure and convey its visual messages. The elements of graphic design are:

  • Line – The most basic of the design elements. Lines can be curved, straight, thick, thin, two-dimensional, three-dimensional – whatever really! A line is simply an element of design that is defined by a point moving in space.
  • Shape – A shape is a two-dimensional defined area created by lines. Different types of shapes include geometric, abstract, and organic shapes, all of which are basic elements of design.
  • Color – Color is one element that is especially important in attracting attention because there is psychology behind the feelings that color can evoke. There are three main characteristics to color: hue (the color family), value (how light or dark the color is), and saturation (the purity of the color).
  • Typography – Typography is the art of arranging type. This one is critically important as it can greatly affect the design’s messaging. Different weights (bold, regular, or light), combined with varied sizing, colors, and spacing, can add power to the concept the designer is trying to communicate.
  • Texture – Texture in design refers to how things look like they’d feel if they were to be touched. For example, texture can be rough, smooth, glossy, soft, hard, etc. Texture is another element used to draw attention. It can be added to other elements like shapes, colors, images, and type.
  • Size – Size is simply how small or large something is. In design, size is used as an indication of importance and it can also create visual interest in a design by using contrasting sizes.
  • Space – Space refers to the areas of the design that are left blank. These areas include any distance or areas between, around, below, or above other design elements. Designers intentionally place spaces in the design to add emphasis to areas of the design.

Principles of graphic design

The principles of design suggest how the designer should best arrange the various components of a page layout to ensure the elements of the overall design are connected to one another. The principles of design include the following:

  • Balance – Achieving visual balance in graphic design is done by using symmetry and asymmetry. This is achieved by balancing the design in weight – meaning shapes, lines, and other elements are distributed evenly. So even if the two sides of the design aren’t the exact same, they have similar elements. Balance is important because it provides structure and stability to a design.
  • Alignment – Alignment is about keeping the design organized. All aspects of the design should be aligned with the top, bottom, center, or sides to create a visual connection between the elements.
  • Proximity – Proximity creates a visual relationship between the elements of the design. It minimizes clutter, increases viewer comprehension, and provides a focal point for viewers. It doesn’t necessarily mean the similar elements need to be put right next to each other, it just means they should be connected visually.
  • Repetition – Once you’ve chosen how to use your elements, repeat those patterns to establish consistency throughout the design. This repetition ties together individual elements and strengthens the design but creating a feeling of organized movement.
  • Contrast – Contrasting is used to emphasize certain aspects of the design. Using contrast allows you to stress differences between elements, ultimately highlighting the key elements of your design that you want to stand out.

Types of Graphic Design

There are various types of graphic design in which most commonly used are:

Brand Design

The practice of Brand Design refers to the task that deals with the visual elements of the brand designation and setting up of instructions to be used across all of the company’s services and products, so that you can easily identify the brand at any time. With the help of a website, it makes it easier for the company’s brand name and message to be streamed on the World Wide Web.


Web and brand design are the main professions where illustrators use their talent, although they can be used in other areas. Illustrations are the visual elements that are used to portray the idea in a visual, untextured way. In this process, the Designers will develop this information through created compositions whereas graphical artists and illustrators also create their own artifacts.

Web Design

Many Graphic Designers create the visual elements of a website. But web design and graphic design are two different things. Web design also needs UI and UX knowledge.

Marketing Design

Marketing Design is making Graphics for Marketing products and services. Making promotional banners for products, making banners for sale, making print materials, etc.

Packaging Graphic Design

Packaging is an important marketing tool. It requires conceptual and problem-solving skills and the knowledge of print processes, as well as industrial design and manufacturing.

Motion Graphic

Motion graphics are pieces of animation or digital footage that create the illusion of motion or rotation, and are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects. Motion graphics are usually displayed via electronic media technology, but may also be displayed via manual powered technology. This includes animations, video games, trailers etc.

Infographic Design

Infographics are the graphics whose sole purpose is to convey information that can be consumed visually. Infographics helps the users to grasp information faster and easily in a visual manner that can sometimes be harder to understand otherwise.

Benefits of Graphic Design

Here are some of the benefits of Graphic Design:

  • Professionalism and Consistency: Using logos, images and design may be a way to create an accurate image of your company to attract audience.
  • Identity and Brand Recognition: It helps in defining your visual identity, which reflects your company’s goals and values.
  • Visual communication: Beyond defining identity and brand recognition. Graphic design can be very helpful to grab attention and encouraging your audience’s curiosity.
  • Increase Sales & Market Position: With the help of a good graphic design, you can convert your audience into buyers, that will lead to increased sales.

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