The C programming language is a computer programming language that was developed to do system programming for the operating system UNIX and is an imperative programming language. C was developed in the early 1970s by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs.
- scanf(“%d”, &x) — read value into the variable x from input stream
- Printf(“%d”,x) — printf value to the output stream
- gets(str) — reads a line from input stream into a variable
Sample C program
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
printf("Hello World!!");
return 0;
is a keyword which is used to include the library file<stdio.h>
library file is used to read the data from terminal and to display the data on terminal. It has several in-built functions like printf(), scanf() etc.main()
function is the entry point of any C program.printf and scanf
are inbuilt library functions which are used for input and output in C language. They are defined instdio.h
header file.return 0
is used to terminate the main() function and returns the value 0//
— single line comment/* comments */
— Multi line comment
Data types
Types | Data-type |
Basic | int, char, float, double |
Derived | array, pointer, structure, union |
Enumeration | enum |
Void | void |
1. Basic Data types
Data type | Description | Range | Memory Size | Format specifier |
int | used to store whole numbers | -32,768 to 32,767 | 2 bytes | %d |
short int | used to store whole numbers | -32,768 to 32,767 | 2 bytes | %hd |
long int | used to store whole numbers | -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | 4 bytes | %li |
float | used to store fractional numbers | 6 to 7 decimal digits | 4 bytes | %f |
double | used to store fractional numbers | 15 decimal digits | 8 bytes | %lf |
char | used to store a single character | one character | 1 bytes | %c |
2. Derived Data types
data-type array-name[size];
datatype *pointername;
struct structure_name {
member definition;
member definition;
member definition;
} [one or more structure variables];
struct structure_name variable name;
3. Enumeration Data types
enum name{constant1, constant2, constant3, ....... };
4. Void Data types
Void specifies that there is no return value. Generally used when function returns no value, pointer with type as void represents the address of an object but not it’s type.
data-type variable-name = value;
int x = 10; // declaring int variable and assigning value 10 to it
char grade = 'A'; // declaring char variable and assigning value A to it
Literal | Example |
Integer Literal- decimal | 255 |
Integer Literal- octal | 0377 |
Integer Literal- hexadecimal | 0xFF |
Float point Literal | 53.0f, 79.02 |
Character literals | ‘a’, ‘1’ |
String literals | “OneCompiler”, “Foo” |
Escape sequences
Escape sequence | Description |
\n | New line |
\r | Carriage Return |
? | Question mark |
\t | Horizontal tab |
\v | Vertical tab |
\f | Form feed |
\ | Backslash |
‘ | Single quotation |
“ | Double quotation |
\0 | Null character |
\b | Back space |
One dimentional Array:
data-type array-name[size];
int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
Two dimensional array:
data-type array-name[size][size];
int a[2][3] = {
Operator type | Description |
Arithmetic Operator | + , – , * , / , % |
comparision Operator | < , > , <= , >=, != , == |
Bitwise Operator | & , ^ , | |
Logical Operator | && , ` |
Assignment Operator | = , += , -= , *= , /= , %=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, ` |
Ternary Operator | ? : |
sizeof operator | sizeof() |
Keywords(reserved words)
auto double int struct
break else long switch
case enum register typedef
char extern return union
const float short unsigned
continue for signed void
default goto sizeof volatile
do if static while
Identifiers are user defined names for variables, functions and arrays.
- They must be less than or equal to 31 characters.
- No special characters.
- Must start with a letter or under score.
- Can contain letters, digits, or underscore only.
Strings are an array of characters ended with null character. Enclosed in double quotes.
char str[]="onecompiler";
Constants are the fixed values. They can be declared in two ways as shown below:
const datatype <constant-name> = <constant-value>;
#define <constant-name> <constant-value>
Special characters
: specifies start and end of code blocks[]
: used for arrays()
: used for functions,
: used to seperate variables, constants etc*
: used for pointers#
: used as a macro processor.
Conditional Statements
1. If
2. If-else
} else {
3. If-else-if ladder
} else if(conditional-expression-2) {
} else if(conditional-expression-3) {
else {
4. Switch
case value1:
break; //optional
case value2:
break; //optional
//code to be executed when all the above cases are not matched;
1. For
for(Initialization; Condition; Increment/decrement){
2. While
3. Do-While
} while(condition);
Function is a sub-routine which contains set of statements.
// declaring a function
return_type function_name(parameters);
// defining a function
return_type function_name(parameters){
// calling a function
function_name (parameters)
Pointer is a variable which holds the memory information(address) of another variable of same data type.
datatype *pointername;
int x = 10, *ptr;
/*ptr = x; // Error because ptr is adress and x is value
*ptr = &x; // Error because x is adress and ptr is value */
ptr = &x; // valid because &x and ptr are addresses
*ptr = x; // valid because both x and *ptr values
Structure is a user-defined data type where it allows you to combine data of different data types.
struct structure_name {
member definition;
member definition;
member definition;
} [one or more structure variables];
struct structure_name variable name; //declaring structure variables
Union is a user-defined datatype similar to structs which allows to store different data types in the same memory location. In Unnions, one member can contain a value at any given time.
union union_name {
member definition;
member definition;
member definition;
} [one or more union variables];
union union_name variable name; // Declaring Union Variables
File handling
File operations like create, update, read, and deleting files which are stored on the local file system can be performed in C.
FILE *fptr; //declaring a pointer of type File
fptr = fopen("filename",mode); //opening a file
fscanf(fptr, "format specifier", data); //read a file
fprintf(fptr, "format specifier", data); //write a file
Mode | Description |
r | Opens for reading. |
rb | Opens for reading in binary mode. |
r+ | Opens for both reading and writing. |
w | Opens for writing. |
wb | Opens for writing in binary mode. |
a | Opens for append. |
ab | Opens for append in binary mode. |
w+ | Opens for both reading and writing. |
wb+ | Opens for both reading and writing in binary mode. |
rb+ | Opens for both reading and writing in binary mode. |
a+ | Opens for both reading and appending. |
ab+ | Opens for both reading and appending in binary mode. |
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