Home Java Tutorial XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

by anupmaurya
1 minutes read
XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat
XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

Many of the beginner faces this issue because they have not proper knowledge about the environment variable .Let’s see how can be resolve this issue.

Follow along to remove the above error

  1. we need to create an Environment Variable “JAVA_HOME”. and give the vale as JDK installation directory path. Ex: “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_66”
  2. we need to create an Environment Variable “JRE_HOME”. and give the vale as JRE installation directory path. Ex: “C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66”
XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat
  1. Go to your “tomcat” installation directory and then “conf” folder. Ex: “C:\xampp\tomcat\conf”.
  2. Edit these given files with these values:

  • open server.xml file which is located inside conf folder. Go to line number 71 and change the “port” number “8080” as something else for example “9999” and save it.
Configuration of new port
Configuration of new port
  • Open context.xml file which is located inside “conf” folder and go to line 19 and change <Context> tag as <Context reloadable="true"> and save it.
XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

  1. close the “XAMPP” App and restart it.
  2. Now go to the “Config” Option inside “XAMPP” application i.e top right corner of the XAMPP app. then go to the “Service and Port Settings” then go to the “Tomcat” tab and put “9999” as the “HTTP Port” value and save it. Not restart XAMPP.
  3. Now try to start “Tomcat” Server.
  4. Open your browser and type localhost:9999 in the browser url and hit enter.
XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat
Tomcat Running at port 9999

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