Home Technology What is Cloud seeding? How does it works and it’s Cost ?

What is Cloud seeding? How does it works and it’s Cost ?

by anupmaurya
2 minutes read
what is cloud seeding

In this article you’ll learn about Cloud seeding and process behind the cloud seeding.

The United Arab Emirates’s National Center of Meteorology (NCM) used drones to coerce clouds into raining. For this, they charged clouds with electricity. In this process, drones are charged into the clouds to cause an electric shock due to which they clump together and cause rainfall. 

Extreme weather conditions are being observed in several parts of the world in continents including North America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Experts say climate change is to be blamed for such conditions.

What is cloud seeding?

Cloud seeding is a method of inducing a cloud to produce rain. This technology was introduced in the UAE in the late 1990s. Here, chemicals like silver iodide, potassium iodide, and dry ice are sent to the atmosphere through planes. These particles attract the water vapour in the air, leading to the formation of cumulonimbus clouds and finally rain. It generally takes half an hour to produce rainfall by this method. Zapping the top layers gives the fastest results. The time taken to generate rain depends on which portion of the cloud the chemicals are being injected into.

What is Cloud seeding? How does it works and it's Cost ?
How Cloud Seeding Works

How Drones are used to induce rains ?

After the experts identify the cumulus clouds a drone is sent to spray water into warm clouds and drop ice into cold ones.

Drones are then sent over the cloud to spray particles of salts like silver iodide and chloride on clouds.

What is Cloud seeding? How does it works and it's Cost ?
Airplanes are fitted flares and are flown into the base of clouds where these flares are released.The flares contains salts including potassium chloride. Sodium chloride and magnesium. which encourages water vapour in the clouds to form droplets heavy enough to fall as rain.

These salt particles act as a core and draw water vapour into the clouds which are then condensed into water droplets, as a result of which raindrops are formed.

The cloud seeding project by Dubai began in July 2010 and is worth a whopping USD 11 million.

Harmful effects on the environment of Cloud Seeding

  • Scientists say that this method can lead to acidification of the oceans, ozone layer depletion, and an increase in the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
  • Silver is a heavy, toxic metal and it harms the health of plants, humans, and animals.
  • Cloud seeding is also a costly method. A foot of rainfall costs around USD 200.

Cost of cloud seeding

Experts suggest that the recent rainfall program could have cost Dubai USD 27 to USD 427 per acre-foot. This artificial rainfall might have cost Dubai Rs 4.15 crores.

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