Home Tech News 5+ Best Humanoid Robots In The World

5+ Best Humanoid Robots In The World

by adarshpal
7 minutes read
5+ Best Humanoid Robots In The World

There are an endless number of things to discover about robotics. A lot of it is just too fantastic for people to believe.

Humanoid robot, also known as android, is an artificial creature designed to perform human-like activities such as walking, talking, playing, interacting, etc. Sometimes it can resemble human appearance, sometimes it just resembles human body showing metal and wires

  1. What is Humanoid Robots?

    A humanoid robot is a robot with its body shape built to resemble the human body. The design may be for functional purposes, such as interacting with human tools and environments, for experimental purposes, such as the study of bipedal locomotion, or for other purposes.

  2. What can humanoid robot do?

    Humanoid robots are used for research and space exploration, personal assistance and caregiving, education and entertainment, search and rescue, manufacturing and maintenance, public relations, and healthcare.

  3. What are humanoids made up of?

    Humanoids are usually either Androids or Gynoids. An Android is a humanoid robot designed to resemble a male human while gynoids look like female humansHumanoids work through certain features. They have sensors that aid them in sensing their environments.

  4. What is the most advanced robot right now?

    Asimo Honda Motor Corporation’s Asimo, with its humanoid appearance and ability to walk and climb stairs, has been dubbed the world’s most advanced robot.

  5. What is the smartest robot in the world?

    Sophia World’s smartest robot Sophia draws Holly and Phillip’s portraits. It’s time for Holly and Phil to meet Sophia, one of the most intelligent robots in the world. Using artificial intelligence, Sophia can communicate with people and even use facial expressions to convey emotions – looking eerily human as she does so.

In 2018, the sales of robots were 422,000 units and in 2019 it was noted as 373,000 units. Though, each robot is different of its kind. But the top humanoid robots of the world are listed below

Top Humanoid Robots Around The Globe


In 2013 Boston Robotics propelled its extremely high impacting humanoid known as ATLAS supported by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It can run quickly identifying any kind of obstacle in the way, it can avoid, bounce, and can make somersaults moves. In 2019 ATLAS robot is extremely exceptional, it can give some more body movements simply like a gymnasts that is the reason it is known as the most powerful humanoid.

We should discuss it’s structure; Weight of 80kg and height of 1.5 m, It has human-like spryness, comprise 3D printed parts. It can speed up itself up to 1.5m/s.

2. Nadine

Imagine you are talking to a customer service agent. Obviously, you assumed that this agent is a human being. Well, your assumption might be wrong!!! You could be talking to Nadine, which is the most humanoid robot in the world! And you could be forgiven for thinking that Nadine is a human as she has a human-looking body with lifelike features. She can even recognize you from previous visits, make eye contact, shake your hand, continue chatting based on previous meetings, etc. Nadine was developed by Kokoro Japan with her software platform developed at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She is currently working as a customer service agent at AIA Singapore (an insurance company). 

Nadine was developed using cutting edge robotics technology to simulate human behavior. She has 3D depths cameras, a microphone, and a webcam to gather visual and audio inputs. Then there are various perception layers that process these inputs to recognize different faces, gestures, emotions, behavior, etc. and then respond accordingly. Nadine also had inbuilt chatbots that allow her to handle different queries and a memory model that remembers different users and conversations with them. In addition to all this, Nadine can also converse in 6 languages, namely English, German, French, Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese. So you won’t have any problems talking to her!!! 

3. Robear: Machine With a Delicate Touch

This robot is created by the RIKEN and Sumitomo Riko Company Limited, it simply resembles a goliath bear, an organization in Japan is tentative with a nursing care robot warmly called ROBEAR, the slice bot is being created to help patients around the emergency clinic. Robear can perform tasks like lifting a patient from a bed into a wheelchair or helping a persistent standup, the robot has various sensors some of which incorporate torque and tactile sensors comprised of elastic. It is 146 kg, ROBEAR is lighter than its antecedents RIBA and RIBA II, discharged in 2009 and 2011.

In this era, we can utilize ROBEAR as parental figures for corona patients.

4.Ocean One

Ocean One a bimanual submerged humanoid robot made by the Stanford Robotics Lab to investigate coral reefs. Ocean One can reach places where most people can’t.
About its structure, it has two completely articulated arms, eight multi-directional engines, and stereoscopic vision. It has water-sealing electronic parts to maintain a strategic distance from air drainage because of submerged weight. It is also called ‘Robo mermaid’.

In the future, we can utilize Ocean One to develop human settlements or to construct different structures submerged.


Petman is made by Boston Dynamics and supported by the US Department of Defense’s Chemical and Biological Defense program, the explanation for this stunning PETMAN humanoid is to test the natural and concoction suits for the US Armed Forces.

The metallic skeleton secured by hazardous materials make this robot simply like a human undersuit. PETMAN having a height of 6 feet and 80 kg of weight. Its speed is 7.08 kilometers every hour which makes him the quickest bipedal robot.


This humanoid is developed by a french mechanical technology organization, Aldebaran Robotics in 2008 however in 2015 it is procured by SoftBank Robotics, it is fundamentally intended to upgrade the methods of learning. The fundamental capacity of NAO is it’s portability and taking in the process from its condition; it’s a best showing right hand for kids, schools, advanced education, or research purposes.

It is 23 inches/58cm tall, has 2 cameras,4 mouthpieces, and 2 amplifier, it utilizes infrared beams for correspondence and sonar sensors to identify hindrances. It’s Programmed by Choregraphe programming.

7. Pepper

PEPPER is additionally similar to NAO however what’s more it Has some additional highlights so it can make more impact in higher examinations fundamentally it’s utilized for higher investigations and inquires about.

Pepper has 20 levels of opportunity for developments, discourse acknowledgment, and exchanges accessible in 15 dialects, discernment modules to perceive and interface with the individual conversing with him, contact sensors, LEDs, and amplifiers for global collaborations, Infrared sensors & Bumpers.

8. Junco Chihira

Junco Chihira is a very realistic android robot created by Toshiba. Junco works full-time in a tourist information center in Tokyo. It is the successor of another Android Aiko Chihira who worked as a receptionist in a department store in Japan. Earlier, Junco Chihira was only able to respond with the scripted pre-set speech, but from 2017 it has gained speech recognition capabilities and can respond to tourists’ questions.

Junko Chihira will not only work in the tourism and service industries, but she will also jump into health care for older people. Hitoshi Tokuda, the chief specialist of Toshiba’s research and development center, informed us that it would combine the humanoid with any kind of language processing system. 

Junko stands 5 feet 5 inches tall, resembling a 26-year-old Japanese woman.

The next humanoid robot is Jia Jia.

Let’s have watch on Sophia the Robot Interview :  Sophia the robot answers Stylist’s philosophical questions

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