Home Java Tutorial Wrapper class in Java

Wrapper class in Java

by anupmaurya

In this article, you’ll learn about Wrapper class in Java, autoboxing, Unboxing, Features of Wrapper class and more

  • Wrapper classes allow primitive data types to be accessed as objects and objects as a primitive data types.
  • The various wrapper classes for primitive data type are: Boolean, Byte, Character, Double, Float, Integer, Long and Short.
  • Wrapper classes make the primitive type data to act as objects.


Autoboxing is the process of converting a primitive data type into corresponding wrapper class object. E.g. int to Integer.

Example: Sample program for autoboxing

class AutoBoxDemo
    public static void main(String args[])
        int x = 50;
        Integer y = Integer.valueOf(x);
        Integer z = x + y;
       System.out.println(x+"  "+y+"  "+z);


50  50  100


Converting an object of wrapper class into corresponding primitive data type is known as unboxing. For example Integer to int.

Example: Sample program for unboxing

class UnBoxDemo
    public static void main(String args[])
        Integer x = new Integer(15);
        int y = x.intValue();
        int z = x * y;
        System.out.println(x+"  "+y+"  "+z);


15  15  225

Primitive type and their corresponding wrapper class

Primitive typeWrapper class

Features of Wrapper class

  • Wrapper classes convert numeric strings into numeric values.
  • They provide a way to store primitive data into the object.
  • The valueOf() method is available in all wrapper classes except Character.
  • All wrapper classes have typeValue() method. This method returns the value of the object as its primitive type.

Character class method

  • isDigit(): to determine whether the character is digit.
  • isLower(): to determine whether the character is lower case alphabet.
  • isLetter(): to determine whether the character is an alphabet.

Byte class method

  • byteValue(): returns the Byte value as byte value.
  • parseByte(): returns byte value from a byte string.

Integer class method

  • intValue(): returns the Integer value as int value.
  • parseInt(): returns the int value from a int string.

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