In this tutorial, you’ll learn about Life Cycle of a Servlet (Servlet Life Cycle).
Servlet life cycle can be described as a series of steps through which a servlet goes during its life span, starting from loading till it gets destroyed.Let’s have look on these steps :
Loading Servlet Class : A Servlet class is loaded when first request for the servlet is received by the Web Container.
Servlet instance creation :After the Servlet class is loaded, Web Container creates the instance of it. Servlet instance is created only once in the life cycle.
Call to the service() method : The containers call the service() method each time the request for servlet is received. The service() method will then call the doGet() or doPost() methos based ont eh type of the HTTP request, as explained in previous lessons.
Call to destroy() method: The web container calls the destroy() method before removing the servlet instance from the service. It gives the servlet an opportunity to clean up any resource for example memory, thread etc.
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